Monday, April 11, 2011

onward and upward =]

i am just so excited for school, that i have to post a picture of my new place of residence. isn’t it cute?! i was kind of nervous about going into a house with so many girls alone, i’ve always had at least ashlee with me, but i have never been so excited for anything in my whole life. this semester is going to be GREAT, and i can’t wait for the adventure to begin!

it’s very bittersweet... i have LOVED my slc experience. i am so grateful for the people i’ve met, friendships i’ve made, lessons i’ve learned (there were many!), my job, and the opportunities i’ve had to fix myself that i think could have only happened, here. thank you so much to everyone who has helped been a part of this amazing time in life!

when one door closes, another opens, and i am literally counting down the hours until classes start. i’ve been job hunting, so we’ll see how it goes. i will miss these beautiful ladies!!! =]

(the hindu "festival of colors")

(noc shift dominators)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you actually have cute CNA friends. Mine were all over 50 and chain smokers.
